Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sell your Cell Phone Florida. GO GREEN

Did you know that selling your cell phone or smartphone to The Cell Xchange is a great way to go green?  Every single year over 400 million cell phones are bought and sold & nearly that many are throw out.

Help us keep cell phones out of landfills & extend the life of used electronics.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

         Im thinking this might be our new Marketing Photo for our ONLINE marketplace ads :-) I think she will make people reply a little quicker.. I HOPE. If nothing else it'll be good eye candy to get them to come see us again. People wanting to sell their cell phones want an EYE CATCHING ad to earn the business. I cant think of anything better. Girl & Money.  Take it for what its worth but if you wanted to sell an Iphone, Blackberry or Android and you saw this ad, wouldnt you call The Cell Xchange also? 

Just checking!!!
813 504-8928

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Liking" in Facebook and how 2 get more!!

If you own any kind of business with a Facebook page you know how important getting "likes" & having friends is. It allows you to make contact with your potential clients and to spread your "Brand" all over the Internet. It is also a review system where people can "like" your service or product. Lastly it allows you to comment and respond to comments about your company.

If you want to get likes and encourage more clients to "like" your page there are a few simple things you can do.

1.) Update your status 2-3 times a day with catchy and important topics. Mostly update news stories and topics that have to do with your industry.

2.) Reply to all comments and interactions. Keep in contact with your potential clients and answer all there questions.

3,) Link your Facebook on your website, twitter. Blogs and anywhere you can to drive traffic to your facebook page.

4.) Post ads in the facebook marketplace. These ads will introduce your business to local folks who would otherwise not see you.

5.) Every few days invite 5-6 people to be a friend. Or suggest your page to new people requesting a "like". Don't overdo this. Only do it every 2 days or so and don't ever invite more than 6-8 at 1 time. Facebook will block you if you overdo it.